1 rise
1. past tense - rose; verb1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) aumentar; subir2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) elevarse3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) levantarse4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) levantarse5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) levantarse6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) elevarse7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) levantarse/sublevarse contra8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) ascender, subir9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) nacer10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) levantarse; hacerse/soplar más fuerte11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) alzarse, erigirse12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) resucitar
2. noun1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) ascenso, subida2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) aumento3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) subida, cuesta4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) grandeza, auge•- rising
3. adjectivethe rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) saliente; creciente, en aumento, en alza- early- late riser
- give rise to
- rise to the occasion
rise1 n aumento / subidarise2 vb1. subir2. aumentar / subirthe price of petrol has risen by 12% this year el precio de la gasolina ha subido un 12% este año3. crecer4. salirtr[raɪz]1 ascenso, subida2 (increase) aumento3 (slope) subida, cuesta1 ascender, subir2 (increase) aumentar3 (stand up) ponerse de pie4 (get up) levantarse5 (sun) salir6 (river) nacer7 (level of river) crecer8 (mountains) elevarse\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto give rise to dar origen ato rise to the occasion ponerse a la altura de las circunstancias1) get up: levantarseto rise to one's feet: ponerse de pie2) : elevarse, alzarsethe mountains rose to the west: las montañas se elevaron al oeste3) : salir (dícese del sol y de la luna)4) : subir (dícese de las aguas, del humo, etc.)the river rose: las aguas subieron de nivel5) increase: aumentar, subir6) originate: nacer, proceder7)to rise in rank : ascender8)to rise up rebel: sublevarse, rebelarserise n1) ascent: ascensión f, subida f2) origin: origen m3) elevation: elevación f4) increase: subida f, aumento m, alzamiento m5) slope: pendiente f, cuesta fn.n.• alza s.f.• crecimiento s.m.• cuesta s.f.• elevación s.f.• levantamiento s.m.• origen s.m.• peralte s.m.• salida s.f.• subida s.f.• subido s.m.v.(§ p.,p.p.: rose, risen) = crecer v.• encumbrar v.• enriscar v.• leudar v.• levantarse v.• nacer v.• salir v.(§pres: salgo, sales...) fut/c: saldr-•)• subir v.• surgir v.
I raɪz1)a) (upward movement - of tide, level) subida f; (- in pitch) elevación fto get a rise out of somebody — (colloq) conseguir* que alguien se fastidie
to take the rise out of somebody — (colloq) tomarle el pelo a alguien (fam)
b) (increase - in prices, interest rates) subida f, aumento m, alza f‡ (frml), suba f (RPl); (- in pressure, temperature) aumento m, subida f; (- in number, amount) aumento mto be on the rise — ir* en aumento, estar* aumentando
c) ( in pay) (BrE) aumento m, incremento m (frml)a pay rise — un aumento or (frml) un incremento salarial
d) ( improvement) mejora f2) ( advance) ascenso m, ascensión fthe rise and fall of somebody/something — la grandeza y decadencia de alguien/algo, el auge y (la) caída de alguien/algo
to give rise to something — \<\<to belief\>\> dar* origen or lugar a algo; \<\<to dispute\>\> ocasionar or causar algo; \<\<to ideas\>\> suscitar algo
3) ( slope) subida f, cuesta f
1)a) (come, go up) subir; \<\<mist\>\> levantarse; \<\<sun/moon\>\> salir*; \<\<river\>\> crecer*; \<\<dough\>\> crecer*, subir; \<\<cake\>\> subir; \<\<fish\>\> picar*a few eyebrows rose when... — más de uno se mostró sorprendido cuando...
to rise to the surface — salir* or subir a la superficie
the color rose to her cheeks — se le subieron los colores, se ruborizó
b) ( increase) \<\<price/temperature/pressure\>\> subir, aumentar; \<\<wind\>\> arreciar; \<\<wage/number/amount\>\> aumentar; \<\<tension\>\> crecer*, aumentarto rise in price — subir or aumentar de precio
c) \<\<sound\>\> ( become louder) aumentar de volumen; ( become higher) subir de tonod) ( improve) \<\<standard\>\> mejorartheir spirits rose — se les levantó el ánimo, se animaron
2)a) ( slope upward) \<\<ground/land\>\> elevarseb) ( extend upwards) \<\<building/hill\>\> levantarse, alzarse*, erguirse* (liter)3)a) ( stand up) \<\<person/audience\>\> (frml) ponerse* de pie, levantarse, pararse (AmL)to rise to one's feet — ponerse* de pie, levantarse
b) ( out of bed) levantarserise and shine! — (colloq) vamos, arriba y a espabilarse! (fam)
4) (in position, status)5) ( adjourn) (BrE) \<\<court/parliament\>\> levantar la sesión6) ( revolt)to rise (up) (AGAINST somebody/something) — levantarse or alzarse* (contra alguien/algo)
7) ( originate) \<\<river\>\> (frml) nacer*•Phrasal Verbs:- rise to[raɪz] (vb: pt rose) (pp risen)1. N1) (=upward movement) subida f, ascenso m ; [of tide] subida f ; [of river] crecida f ; (in tone, pitch) subida f, elevación f- get a rise out of sb- take the rise out of sb2) (=increase) (in number, rate, value) aumento m ; (in price, temperature) subida f, aumento m ; (Brit) (in salary) aumento m (de sueldo)he was given a 30% pay rise — le dieron un aumento de sueldo del 30%
a rise in interest rates — un aumento de los tipos de interés•
prices are on the rise — los precios están subiendo3) (fig) (=advancement) ascenso m, subida f ; (=emergence) desarrollo mhis meteoric rise to fame — su ascenso meteórico or su subida meteórica a la fama
Napoleon's rise to power — el ascenso or la subida de Napoleón al poder
the rise and fall of — [of organization] el auge y (la) decadencia de; [of person] el ascenso y (la) caída de
4) (=small hill) colina f, loma f ; (=upward slope) cuesta f (arriba), pendiente f ; [of stairs] subida f5) (=origin) [of river] nacimiento mto give rise to — [+ innovation] dar origen a; [+ problems, impression] causar; [+ interest, ideas] suscitar; [+ speculation, doubts, suspicion, fear] suscitar, dar lugar a
2. VI1) (=get up) (from bed) levantarse; (=stand up) ponerse de pie, levantarse; (=rear up) [building, mountain] elevarse, alzarseto rise early — madrugar, levantarse temprano
the mountains rose up before him — las montañas se elevaban or se alzaban frente a él
ash II, 1.rise and shine! — ¡levántate y espabila!
2) (=get higher) [sun, moon] salir; [smoke, mist, balloon] subir, ascender, elevarse liter; [dust, spray, theatre curtain] levantarse; [water, tide, level, aircraft, lift] subir; [dough, cake] aumentar, subir; [river] crecer; [hair] ponerse de puntathe plane rose to 4,000 metres — el avión subió a 4.000 metros
to rise above — (fig) [+ differences, poverty] superar; [+ prejudice] estar por encima de
to rise to the bait — (lit, fig) picar or morder el anzuelo
to rise to the surface — (lit) salir a la superficie; (fig) [tensions, contradictions] surgir, aflorar
challenge, occasionit is a time when these tensions may rise to the surface — es un momento en el que puede que surjan or afloren estas tensiones
3) (=increase) [price, temperature, pressure] subir, aumentar; [number, amount, tension] aumentar; [barometer, stocks, shares] subir; [wind] arreciar, levantarse; [sound] hacerse más fuerteit has risen 20% in price — su precio ha subido or aumentado en un 20%
her voice rose in anger — levantó or alzó la voz enfadada
4) [ground] subir (en pendiente)5) (in rank) ascenderprominenceto rise from or through the ranks — (Mil) ascender de soldado raso
6) (=improve) [standards] mejorar7) (=come forth)from the people, a cheer rose up — la gente empezó a vitorear todos a una
she could feel a blush rising to her cheeks — sentía que se le subía el color a las mejillas, sentía que se le subían los colores
8) (=originate) [river] nacerthe people rose (up) against their oppressors — el pueblo se sublevó or levantó contra sus opresores
to rise (up) in revolt — sublevarse, rebelarse
10) (=adjourn) [parliament, court] levantar la sesiónthe House rose at 2a.m. — se levantó la sesión parlamentaria a las 2 de la madrugada
* * *
I [raɪz]1)a) (upward movement - of tide, level) subida f; (- in pitch) elevación fto get a rise out of somebody — (colloq) conseguir* que alguien se fastidie
to take the rise out of somebody — (colloq) tomarle el pelo a alguien (fam)
b) (increase - in prices, interest rates) subida f, aumento m, alza f‡ (frml), suba f (RPl); (- in pressure, temperature) aumento m, subida f; (- in number, amount) aumento mto be on the rise — ir* en aumento, estar* aumentando
c) ( in pay) (BrE) aumento m, incremento m (frml)a pay rise — un aumento or (frml) un incremento salarial
d) ( improvement) mejora f2) ( advance) ascenso m, ascensión fthe rise and fall of somebody/something — la grandeza y decadencia de alguien/algo, el auge y (la) caída de alguien/algo
to give rise to something — \<\<to belief\>\> dar* origen or lugar a algo; \<\<to dispute\>\> ocasionar or causar algo; \<\<to ideas\>\> suscitar algo
3) ( slope) subida f, cuesta f
1)a) (come, go up) subir; \<\<mist\>\> levantarse; \<\<sun/moon\>\> salir*; \<\<river\>\> crecer*; \<\<dough\>\> crecer*, subir; \<\<cake\>\> subir; \<\<fish\>\> picar*a few eyebrows rose when... — más de uno se mostró sorprendido cuando...
to rise to the surface — salir* or subir a la superficie
the color rose to her cheeks — se le subieron los colores, se ruborizó
b) ( increase) \<\<price/temperature/pressure\>\> subir, aumentar; \<\<wind\>\> arreciar; \<\<wage/number/amount\>\> aumentar; \<\<tension\>\> crecer*, aumentarto rise in price — subir or aumentar de precio
c) \<\<sound\>\> ( become louder) aumentar de volumen; ( become higher) subir de tonod) ( improve) \<\<standard\>\> mejorartheir spirits rose — se les levantó el ánimo, se animaron
2)a) ( slope upward) \<\<ground/land\>\> elevarseb) ( extend upwards) \<\<building/hill\>\> levantarse, alzarse*, erguirse* (liter)3)a) ( stand up) \<\<person/audience\>\> (frml) ponerse* de pie, levantarse, pararse (AmL)to rise to one's feet — ponerse* de pie, levantarse
b) ( out of bed) levantarserise and shine! — (colloq) vamos, arriba y a espabilarse! (fam)
4) (in position, status)5) ( adjourn) (BrE) \<\<court/parliament\>\> levantar la sesión6) ( revolt)to rise (up) (AGAINST somebody/something) — levantarse or alzarse* (contra alguien/algo)
7) ( originate) \<\<river\>\> (frml) nacer*•Phrasal Verbs:- rise to -
2 sentir
sentir [sɑ̃tiʀ]➭ TABLE 161. transitive verb• il ne sent pas la différence entre le beurre et la margarine he can't tell the difference between butter and margarine• je ne sens plus mes jambes (de fatigue) my legs are dropping off (inf) (Brit) my legs are folding under me (US)• je ne le sens pas, ce type (inf) I don't like the look of himb. ( = avoir une odeur) to smell• sentir bon/mauvais to smell good/bad• ça ne sent pas la rose ! (inf) that doesn't smell too good!c. ( = dénoter) to smack ofd. ( = annoncer) ça sent le piège there's a trap• ça sent la pluie/la neige it looks like rain/snowe. ( = avoir conscience de) [+ changement, fatigue] to feel ; [+ importance de qch] to be aware of ; [+ danger, difficulté] to sense► se faire sentir [effet] to be felt• les effets des grèves vont se faire sentir à la fin du mois the effect of the strikes will be felt at the end of the month2. reflexive verba. [personne]• se sentir bien (physiquement, psychologiquement) to feel good• se sentir mieux/fatigué to feel better/tired• se sentir revivre/rajeunir to feel o.s. coming alive again/growing young again• il ne se sent plus ! (inf) he really thinks he's arrived!* * *sɑ̃tiʀ
1) ( percevoir par l'odorat) to smell [parfum, fleur]2) (percevoir par le toucher, le corps, le goût) to feelj'ai marché trop longtemps, je ne sens plus mes pieds — I've been walking for too long, my feet are numb
sentir d'où vient le vent — lit, Nautisme to see how the wind blows ou lies; fig to see which way the wind is blowing
3) ( comprendre) to be conscious of [importance]; to feel [beauté, force]; to appreciate [difficulté]; to sense [danger, désapprobation]sentir que — ( percevoir) to feel that; ( avoir l'idée) to have a feeling that
je te sens inquiet, je sens que tu es inquiet — I can tell you're worried
se faire sentir — [besoin, présence, absence] to be felt
verbe intransitif1) ( avoir une odeur) to smell2) ( puer) to smell3) ( révéler) to smack of
se sentir verbe pronominal1) to feelne plus se sentir — (colloq) ( de joie) to be overjoyed; ( de vanité) to get above oneself
2) ( être perceptible) [phénomène, amélioration, effet] to be felt••je l'ai senti passer! — (piqûre, addition) it really hurt!; ( réprimande) I really got it in the neck!
* * *sɑ̃tiʀ1. vt"Ça t'a fait mal?" — "Non, je n'ai rien senti." — "Did it hurt?" — "No, I didn't feel a thing."
2) (= ressentir) to feelfaire sentir; Il m'a bien fait sentir que j'étais de trop. — He certainly made me feel I was in the way.
3) (répandre une odeur de) to smell ofÇa sent les frites ici. — It smells of chips in here.
4) (= dénoter, annoncer) to smack of5) * (= supporter) to standIl ne peut pas le sentir. — He can't stand him.
Il ne peut pas la sentir. — He can't stand her.
2. viÇa sent bon ici. — It smells good in here.
Ça sent mauvais ici. — It smells bad in here.
* * *sentir verb table: partirA vtr1 ( percevoir par l'odorat) to smell [parfum, fleur]; on sentait les foins or l'odeur des foins we could smell the hay; tu ne sens pas une odeur? can't you smell something?; je ne sens rien I can't smell anything; fais-moi sentir ce fromage let me smell that cheese; on sent que tu fumes le cigare one can tell that you smoke cigars by the smell;2 (percevoir par le toucher, le corps, le goût) to feel; sentir le froid/un caillou to feel the cold/a stone; je ne sens rien I can't feel anything; je ne sens plus mes orteils tellement j'ai froid I'm so cold I can't feel my toes any more; j'ai marché trop longtemps, je ne sens plus mes pieds I've been walking for too long, my feet are numb; elle m'a fait sentir sa bosse she made me feel her lump; on sent qu'il y a du vin dans la sauce one can smell ou taste the wine in the sauce; sentir d'où vient le vent lit, Naut to see how the wind blows ou lies; fig to see which way the wind is blowing; le froid commence à se faire sentir the cold weather is setting in; les effets du médicament se feront bientôt sentir the effects of the medicine will soon be felt;3 ( avoir conscience de) to be conscious of [importance]; ( percevoir) to feel [beauté, force]; ( apprécier) to appreciate [difficulté]; ( percevoir intuitivement) to sense [danger, désapprobation]; sentir les beautés d'un texte/la force d'une expression to feel the beauty of a text/the force of an expression; as-tu bien senti le message de ce film? did you fully appreciate the message of the film?; sentir que ( percevoir) to feel that; ( avoir l'idée) to have a feeling that; je sens qu'il est sincère I feel that he's sincere; je sens que ce livre te plaira I have a feeling that you'll like this book; on sent que l'hiver approche it feels wintry; il ne sent pas sa force he doesn't know his own strength; il ne sent pas (les subtilités de) l'art moderne he has no feeling for (the subtleties of) modern art; je te sens inquiet, je sens que tu es inquiet I can tell you're worried; faire sentir son autorité to make one's authority felt; les mesures commencent à faire sentir leurs effets the effects of the measures are beginning to make themselves felt ou to be felt; je leur ai fait sentir mon désaccord I made it clear to them that I didn't agree; faire sentir le rythme d'un poème to bring out the rhythm of a poem; se faire sentir [besoin, présence, absence] to be felt.B vi1 ( avoir une odeur) to smell; sentir bon/mauvais/fort to smell nice/bad/strong; tu sens le vin! you smell of wine!; ça sent le chou/la charogne/la cigarette it smells of cabbage/carrion/cigarettes; herbes qui sentent bon la Provence herbs smelling ou redolent sout of Provence; ça sent bon le café there's a nice smell of coffee; ça sent drôle ici there's a funny smell in here; fleurs qui ne sentent pas flowers which don't have a scent;2 ( puer) to smell; le poisson commence à sentir the fish is beginning to smell; qu'est-ce qui sent (comme ça)? what's that smell?; sentir des pieds/aisselles to have smelly feet/armpits; sentir de la bouche to have bad breath;3 ( révéler) to smack of; ta douleur/ton attitude sent la comédie or le théâtre your grief/your attitude smacks of insincerity; une fille qui sent la or sa province a girl with a touch of the provinces about her; ciel nuageux qui sent l'orage cloudy sky that heralds a storm.C se sentir vpr1 ( avoir la sensation de) to feel; se sentir mieux/las/chez soi to feel better/tired/at home; se sentir surveillé to feel that one is being watched; elle ne s'est pas sentie visée par ma remarque she didn't feel that my remark was aimed at her; elle s'est sentie rougir she felt herself blushing; elle s'est senti piquer par un moustique she felt a mosquito bite; non mais tu te sens bien (dans ta tête)○? are you feeling all right (in the head)○?; ne plus se sentir○ ( de joie) to be overjoyed; ( de vanité) to get above oneself; ne plus se sentir de joie○ to be beside oneself with joy;2 ( se reconnaître) to feel; se sentir assez fort pour faire, se sentir la force de faire to feel strong enough to do; se sentir libre de faire to feel free to do; se sentir victime d'une machination to feel that one is the victim of a scheme; se sentir une obligation envers qn to feel an obligation towards sb;3 ( être perceptible) [phénomène, amélioration, effet] to be felt; les sanctions commencent à se sentir the sanctions are beginning to bite, the effects of the sanctions are beginning to be felt.je ne peux pas le sentir I can't stand him; je l'ai senti passer! (piqûre, addition) it really hurt!; ( réprimande) I really got it in the neck!; elle va la sentir passer! (piqûre, addition) it's going to hurt!; ( réprimande) she's going to get it in the neck![sɑ̃tir] verbe transitifA.[AVOIR UNE IMPRESSION DE]1. [par l'odorat] to smell[par le toucher] to feel[par le goût] to tasteje ne sens plus ma main [d'ankylose] my hand's gone numb ou deadje ne sens plus mes jambes [de fatigue] my legs are killing meje n'ai pas senti l'après-midi/les années passer the afternoon/years just flashed byj'ai senti qu'on essayait de mettre la main dans ma poche I was aware ou I felt that someone was trying to reach into my pocketle sentir passer, la sentir passer (familier) [douleur, claque]: je l'ai sentie passer that really hurtvous allez la sentir passer, l'amende! you'll certainly know about it when you get the fine!c'est lui qui a payé le repas, il a dû le sentir passer! he paid for the meal, it must have cost him an arm and a leg!2. [avoir l'intuition de - mépris, présence, réticence] to feel, to sense, to be aware of ; [ - danger, menace] to be aware ou conscious of, to senseje le sentais venir (de loin) avec son petit air innocent! (familier) I could see him coming (a mile off) with that innocent look on his face!je le sentais prêt/résolu I could feel ou tell he was ready/determinedje sens bien qu'il m'envie I can feel ou tell that he envies mej'ai senti qu'on me suivait I felt ou sensed (that) I was being followedfaire sentir quelque chose à quelqu'un to make somebody aware of something, to show somebody somethingil m'a fait sentir que j'étais de trop he made me understand ou he hinted that I was in the wayles conséquences de votre décision se feront sentir tôt ou tard the implications of your decision will be felt sooner or later5. (familier) [être convaincu par]je ne le sens pas, ton projet I'm not convinced by your project6. [maîtriser - instrument, outil] to have a feel for ; [ - rôle, mouvement à exécuter] to feel at ease with7. (familier) [tolérer]je ne peux pas sentir sa sœur I can't bear the sight of ou stand her sisterje ne peux pas sentir ses blagues sexistes I can't stomach ou I just can't take his sexist jokesB.[EXHALER, DONNER UNE IMPRESSION]les roses ne sentent rien the roses don't smell (of anything) ou have no smellça sent bon le lilas, ici there's a nice smell of lilac in here2. [annoncer]ça sent la pluie/neige it feels like rain/snowse faire sentir [devenir perceptible] to be felt, to become obviousson interprétation/style sent un peu trop le travail her performance/style is rather too constrainedce n'est pas un acte de vandalisme, ça sentirait plutôt la vengeance it's not pure vandalism, it feels more like revenge————————[sɑ̃tir] verbe intransitif1. [avoir une odeur] to smella. [fleur, parfum] it smells niceb. [nourriture] it smells good ou niceça commence à sentir mauvais, filons! (familier & figuré) things are beginning to turn nasty, let's get out of here!il sent des pieds his feet smell, he's got smelly feet————————se sentir verbe pronominal (emploi réciproque)————————se sentir verbe pronominal (emploi passif)il ne l'aime pas — ça se sent he doesn't like her — you can tell (he doesn't) ou you can sense it————————se sentir verbe pronominal intransitifse sentir en sécurité/danger to feel safe/threateneda. [s'évanouir] to feel faintb. [être indisposé] to feel illse sentir bien to feel good ou all rightje ne m'en sens pas capable I don't feel up to it ou equal to itelle ne se sent plus depuis qu'elle a eu le rôle (familier) she's been really full of it since she landed the partne plus se sentir de joie to be bursting ou beside oneself with joy————————se sentir verbe pronominal transitifje ne me sens pas le courage/la force de marcher I don't feel up to walking/have the strength to walk
См. также в других словарях:
panic — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ blind, complete, mad (esp. BrE), pure, sheer, total, utter ▪ mild, minor (esp. BrE) … Collocations dictionary
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium
HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… … Universalium
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium
education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… … Universalium
List of WKRP in Cincinnati episodes — The following is a complete listing of episodes of the TV series WKRP in Cincinnati .eason One (1978 1979) Pilot (Part 1) (9/18/78)The series opens with receptionist Jennifer Marlowe watering plants in the radio station lobby while beautiful… … Wikipedia
ancient Rome — ▪ ancient state, Europe, Africa, and Asia Introduction the state centred on the city of Rome. This article discusses the period from the founding of the city and the regal period, which began in 753 BC, through the events leading to the… … Universalium
ZIONISM — This article is arranged according to the following outline: the word and its meaning forerunners ḤIBBAT ZION ROOTS OF ḤIBBAT ZION background to the emergence of the movement the beginnings of the movement PINSKER S AUTOEMANCIPATION settlement… … Encyclopedia of Judaism